
We have excellent data on both recent and old wells, including collections of older scout tickets, driller logs and historic production records.
You can peruse the listings below to see what we have available to view digitally or in hard copy format. You can also log in as a guest to search logs and scout tickets.
Additional offerings include:
Base maps 1” to 4000’
Topo Sheets
County and State Road maps
Petroleum Atlases
AAPG Bulletins
GCAGS Transactions
Reference books
Special geological engineering reports
Historical Field Studies
LAS Files for wells in Limestone County and Shelby County, Texas and Lincoln Parish, Louisiana.
Complete, multiple hard copy logs and scout tickets coverage for Louisiana, East Texas RR Districts 5 & 6, South Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida.
Scout ticket coverage from the 1930s and earlier, plus weekly updates of completion cards.
Base maps, topo sheets, historic county and state road maps, petroleum atlases, Texas abstracts by county, and more. Drafting tables are available for member use.
AAPG Bulletins as early as 1927, GCAGS Transactions since 1951, reference books, and special geological engineering reports.